Monday, August 2, 2010

Holy August!!

So, August is always the absolute busiest month for me. Here are the birthdays our family has to celebrate this month: B, G, Mom, Father-in-law, Sister-in-law K, Sister-in-law A, and three of my closest friends. Not to mention my b-day is also this month...although the novelty of that wore off long ago. It is now just another day and I am more than fine with that. August is a crazy month but how lucky am I that I get to celebrate all of these wonderful people this month. Of course the priority is the girls' parties and now that they each have their own friends that means they want their own parties. Oh my, I am exhausted just writing this...

The girls have not even done a camp this summer (their choice) and it still seems like we are go go go everyday. I have tried to talk them into some summer activities but they are perfectly content hanging at home and hitting the pool. Most days we work out in the morning and then we are off to the pool. I have added 1,000 steps to my routine which has been fun. Painful, but fun. Work has been sooooooooooo slow this summer, I am feeling the burn out. Thank goodness for side projects to keep me motivated.

My little G did have quite the melt down the other night. She basically went on a 35 minute monologue of all the injustices she has experienced in her 5 years. It was very entertaining and took everything I had not to laugh hysterically. It included such things as, "Mom, remember when I was two and you..." I thought to myself, "No, honey, I can hardly remember yesterday." But, I sat and listened and empathized because that is what she needed. I thought her best line of the night was, "Mom, I am not the girl that is happy when she is lonely. I am the girl that is sad when she is lonely." Another good one was, "I don't understand why my parents always use potty talk. I don't like when you say, 'G, do you need to go pee-pee?' Why can't you just ask me if I need to use the restroom?" This monologue did scare me a bit...can you imagine when she is a teenager? Holy moly, everything will be the end of the world.

Until next time...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who says summer is relaxing?

Okay, so here I thought I was such a rockstar and would keep my blog updated every week. Afterall, it is summer! The kids are out of school and have less places to be so I should have PLENTY of time, right? WRONG! The first thing I hear in the morning, "Mom, what are we going to do today?!" "Nothing," I say. "But, we'll be bored!" Heaven forbid they have to entertain themselves. Don't they know mommy has to work even when I am at home? So here is now what I have to do...get up over an hour earlier then them so I can at least get my emails done and make my list of calls for the day. We get dressed, go to the gym then usually the pool. Once they are good and wiped out I can go home and get my calls done while they relax. THEN, I get dinner ready and start planning out the next day. Once the kids are asleep, I get back to work. First my real job, then some side projects I have going. They are only going to want to hang with mommy for such a short time I am doing everything I can to take full advantage of this. But, I have to admit even I am sometimes overwhelmed.

I get a lot of emails and questions about my workouts and how hearing about my obsession helps to motivate others. I LOVE hearing least my craziness is serving some purpose! Right now I am obsessed with the following:
1. Shakelology..if you are not having this everyday, you are missing out!
2. Pure Barre..KILLER...and I have started to LOVE taeching it as well.
3. Turbo Fire...for the days you must workout at home. Intense and short...there are 10, 15 , 25, and 30 minute DVD's that will kick your booty. Even better, you get all these DVD's in one package!
I would never promote anything I didn't actually do and love, pinky promise! You can find time...maybe not always the ideal time, but time nonetheless. You deserve 20 minutes (workout) and $3.00 (cost of shakeology) a day to keep your body healthy and feeling good. Put yourself on your priority list...when you feel better all other areas of your life seem to improve.

Until next time,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer is here!

First of all, I have to say that after all of my anxiety about teaching Pure Barre it is really has gotten easier. Now that I am familiar with the format I feel so much more comfortable. We just started some new choreography and holy moly is it intense! If you live near Mission Viejo, you owe it to yourself to come and try a class for FREE! My fitness repertoire is now this: TKB, Spinning, Pure Barre and Shakeology. As of next Sunday I will be adding Body Pump to the list since one of my favorite people will be teaching, Kristy McLean.

I am SO excited for B to finish school this week. I know the typical reaction to summer is, "AHHH!! Kids are home all day!" But, for me I love having the girls home and spending the days hanging with friends and by the pool. Of course they drive me crazy now and then but they really are growing up so fast I can hardly catch my breath. I just want to bottle them up and keep them just as they are. I cried my eyes out at Toy Story 3...moms go watch it and you will know why. I WILL NOT be a good empty nester.

G made me the cutest exercise routine card this week. She thought of it all by herself. She cut out four hearts and colored them red and put eyes on them. Then she made paper legs and arms in the position of a certain exercise. She even had the little knee bent on the lunge! Underneath each heart was the name of the exercise the heart was doing....jack, squat, jumping, and lunges. Then above each heart was the number of times I need to do the exercise. It read, "To mom and her friends. love G" That was a great end of the week gift after she told her friend that her papa's name is Dr. Suess but everyone calls him Jerry. I said do you mean "Jesus" (he's Mexican), and she says "Oh yeah, that's what I meant!"

We have welcomed a new addition to our family this week as well. He is a little dwarf hamster named, "Max." The girls are so excited, especially B, my little Dr. Doolittle. It took A LOT of prodding and I know hubby is not thrilled but a promise is a promise. I told B that if she cleaned out her room on her own and picked out toys to give to other children we would go to Petco. Well, both girls ended up clearing out four huge bags full of things that can be donated to a shelter. I was grateful for their generosity because that does not always come so easy. Anyway, Max is cute and enjoying his new home in our office. Please send good energy my way that Max stays in his hamster mansion and does not end up lost in the house...

Until next time...

Saturday, June 12, 2010


It has been quite awhile since my last blog, but for good reason. The end of the school year is killing me! Between open houses, field trips, and other events I am left with a tiny bit of time which I use to work out. The working out part keeps me I am sticking with it!

Do you ever feel like you are in a rut? You know what it is you want to do but just are not sure how to get there? That is me right a rut. It won't last long, I am not one to stay in my pool of pity. I am hoping blogging about it will get me on the first step out of the pool! I feel better already just typing that little bit, YEAH!

I have decided that this summer is about home. We are not going anywhere. I want to spend the days I am not working at the pool with the kids and generally being lazy. Fortunately, they are totally on board. Both girls must be exhausted because when I gave them the option of trips to here and there or hanging at the pool, they picked the pool. Actually, G said, "Roger that!"

I do have some exciting things in the works...just gotta work on details.

Until next time,

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Am I creating a hoarder?

So I know it has been awhile since my last blog, but I am working on so many fun things I can't wait to tell the world about. But, for now I am keeping my plate very full which is exhausting! If I am being honest, I would not have it any other way. I seriously don't know any other speed besides 100 MPH!! I passed my Pure Barre test so I am cleared to teach. Watch out South OC...Pure Barre is here and it will kick your a good way! I have noticed such a difference in the definition of my muscles that along with Shakeology I am now obsessed with Pure Barre!

However, my blog today must touch on my little ones for a bit. B has been asked to do a role on All My Children. They are a little worried that due to her age the amount of lines may be too much. So, they sent them over for me to try with her. She is so excited and has been nailing the lines much to my surprise. I thought it may be too much, but she is determined and definitely has her mama's drive. We will see if it all works out.

I told G that she needed to go through her toys and fill up a box to give to other children. Well, that did not go over well and never does. I do this at least twice a year and it is always a struggle. I sometimes worry that instead of teaching my children to be generous I am turning them into hoarders. Today was interesting. First she was sobbing and when I asked her why she said, "My heart just can't take this. I feel like you are throwing me away!" Oh my...then she says, "Mom, would you mind leaving for a bit so I can have a meeting with my "pets?" She says this as she sobs softly. I tell her of course and I listen outside the door as she tells her stuffed animals, "No matter what happens, I love you and it will be okay. " How's that for a 4 year old drama queen?

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Time Flies When Your Having Fun...

Holy Moly! I cannot believe another week has passed. It has been so hectic but then again, when is it not hectic. The Shakeology Cleanse was really not a big to do. I never felt starving since the shakes are so filling and I had my salad around lunch since that is when I am typically the most hungry. I kept up with my workouts and did Pure Barre and/or TKB each day. I never weigh myself and much prefer to go by how my clothes feel. I am such a Type A that I become too obsessed with a number then make myself crazy trying to achieve whatever number I think is the best. I have found it best for my anxiety that I stay away from the scale and instead rely on measurements. After three days, I lost a little over 4 inches total! An inch and half just off my hips. I was thrilled because my hips are my trouble area. Especially since having the girls. I also just felt GOOD. Nothing yucky left in my body...I cannot start my day without my Shakeology now.

This week I am practicing for my final Pure Barre exam like crazy. I want everything to go smoothly on the big day so I am fitting in as many classes as humanly possible. I have to go to Las Vegas for four days for work so I am a little anxious about getting it all done. Vegas sounds fun in theory, but when I go there to work it is more exhausting then fun. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but there is no rest at this convention. It is all day and all night and I typically end it hardly able to stand up straight!

I have also been running the stairs with a fun group three times a week. When I signed up for Beachbody, it was mainly because I get a discount on DVD's and Shakeology. But, I am just loving it because I am meeting so many great people! Other workout junkies like myself trying to fit in fitness. Little did I know all these great people were living right here all along, I wish it didn't take me so long to find them!

Summer is almost here and I can't wait for the girls to be home. They are at such a great age and I just want them all to myself! Although, G always wants to be with Grandma these days. The other day she told me she wanted to go with Grandma. I said, "Well, what about your mom? I want to be with you." She said, "Well, my gut is telling me to go with Grandma, and I gotta go with my gut, mom!" At least the dog still likes me....

Until next time...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Shaking it up....

I had the best Mother's Day. Started off with TKB with Kristy at the RSM 24 Hour Fitness. She is so motivating and genuine. And I needed motivation...I drank my Shakeology first thing in the morning, then my mom brought over doughnuts. I LOVE doughnuts. I only had a half of a Krispy Kreme and within a half hour I felt EXHAUSTED!! I could hardly get through class. My muscles felt like cement and my energy was zapped. From now on I am sticking with my shake. The three bites were not worth feeling like that.
Hubby did an awesome job of planning a fun day. He booked brunch at the Crow Bar in Newport Beach. The food was outstanding, but two glasses of champagne made me very sleepy. After a great meal with the family, I took a three hour nap! I never get to do that, it was outstanding! Little G kept waking me up asking when I was getting up. When I told her to give me five more minutes, she rolls her eyes and says, "You have got to be kidding me!" The girls made beautiful cards and picked out a beautiful necklace from Nordy's. G was sure to tell me it was "Juicy." Probably not good that they know what that is...
This week is all about getting ready for my Pure Barre test. I am so nervous. I have lots of practicing to do. I also figured it was a good week to start my Shakeology 3 day Cleanse. I don't have any clients scheduled for lunches this week, so it works out. Today I had my Shakeology for breakfast as usual. I started to get hungry around 11:30 so I made up another shake to drink on my way to Pure Barre class. I felt great until about 3:00, so I had a big bowl of lettuce with some chicken on top. Then a shake for dinner. All in all it isn't too bad. I haven't felt famished. I don't weigh myself...causes way too much anxiety for me. So I measured myself instead, I will post the results on Thursday. I will do a Pure Barre class again tomorrow and then TKB on Wednesday. I am keeping my fingers crossed for at least an inch is only three days!
Until next time...